Brain facts images in Hindi (दिमाग के बारे में अद्भुत तथ्य)
1. Your brain has a pattern of connectivity as unique as your fingerprints. आपके दिमाग का नक्शा आपकी उंगलियों के जैसा अद्वितीय है Brain facts images in Hindi
2. Humans are the only animals whose brains shrink.
केवल इंसान का दिमाग ही सिकुड़ सकता है।
3. Your brain is getting rid of old memories while you sleep, a new study suggests.
एक नए अध्ययन से पता चला है कि आपका दिमाग सोते वक़्त पुरानी यादों को भूलता जाता है।
4. Two hours of silence per day. prompts cell development in the hippo campus region of the brain, where memories are formed.
केवल 2 घंटे शांत रहने से आपका दिमाग के हिप्पोकैम्पस के नए cell बनते है जहां पर यादें बनती हैं।
5. Your brain tends to make imaginary monster when you stare in a mirror too long.
अगर आप देर तक अपने आप को शीशे में देखते है तो आपका दिमाग आपको काल्पनिक राक्षस दिखाने की कोशिश करता है।
6. When you learn something new the structure of your brain changes.
जब आप कुछ नया सोचते हैं तब आपके दिमाग का नक्शा बदल जाता है।
7. The human brain has a memory capacity which is the equivalent of more than four terabytes on a hard drive.
आपके दिमाग की याद रखने की क्षमता hard drive के 4TB से भी अधिक होती है।
8. There are people, who have songs permanently stuck in their heads. It is a type of Auditory Disorder.
10. Your brain is constantly rewriting and editing your memories.
Best Brainfacts images
11. By the end of a person’s life, they can recall, on an average around 150 trillion pieces of information.
12. The fastest human sense. A person can recognise a sound in as little as 0.05 seconds.
13. Playing music regularly will physically alter your brain structure.
14. Brain is more active at night.
15. Music helps to repair brain damage.
16. The brain treats rejection like physical pain, according to scientists.
17. Your brain keeps developing until your late 40s.
18. New brain connections are created every time you form a memory.
19. Your brains uses 20% of the total oxygen and blood in your body.
20. Theoretically, when awake, the human brain produces enough electricity in a day to power a small light bulb.
21. When working on boring tasks, listening to music helps you focus.
22. Singing helps you to get rid of Sadness.
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